1RAR 76th Reunion (Register Interest)
Fri 08 Oct 2021 17:30 — Tue 12 Oct 2021 11:00
Event information
Registrations for this event are closed.
See the Website for Other Details.
The aim of your Association is to minimise the cost to those who come to Townsville for the reunion and to make arrangements as streamlined and simple as possible.
The registration button above will ask if you are a member and have some additional info questions. You do not need to login, but if you do, you won't have to enter your own name, number email etc. If you do login then only do it for yourself and you can add your partner (must be partner/spouse and doing all activity same as you). All other people will need to complete registration, noting you do not need a login to register.
Your accommodation is up to you but if you intend to use the bus we suggest looking at the route it will take to minimise your effort to get to a bus stop.
The Ville has been very generous in offering a 15% discount on the best rate for the day. Given two of the functions are at The Ville (in fact so is the 1RAR Ball on the evening of Tuesday 12 October), then The Ville is a very good option for accommodation. It also has a couple of restaurants and bars, one by the pool!
We've found most of the hotels and van parks offer good discounts for motor association memberships etc.
The Association is planning on providing transport by bus if there is sufficient demand. It is expected that the cost of utilising the busses will be about $50 per person for all the trips - including to The Ville on Sunday Night for the Dinner and the two trips out to Coral Lines at Lavarack Barracks. The detail of the routes, timings and what the bus stops even look like is on the website. If you indicate you are interested in using the busses, you must also indicate the bus stop.
We are asking for Vehicle make and model only if you intend to drive onto Lavarack Barracks. You will also need ID (drivers is good enough, or an equivalent government-issued photo ID). If we get that at the time of registration we can make the entry easier and quicker for all.
The Association will cover the cost of the food at the welcome function, subsidise the cost of the dinner on Sunday night and subsidise the transport to ensure we keep the event as affordable for all as possible. Everyone in the Association would be keen for everyone else to have the opportunity to attend the reunion. If you need help with some of the costs, please email us directly and let us know what we could do to help. In the past, we have helped some veterans with costs.
An invoice for the activities you intend to attend will be issued when booking closes. An invoice for $10 will accompany this booking and contribute to costs of the event.
- If you indicate attendance at the Dinner on Sunday night, you will receive an invoice for $80 per person.
- If you indicate you are interested in the bus option, and we proceed with that on the basis that there are sufficient members and partners interested to make it worthwhile, then you will also be sent an invoice for the $50 per person.
- The $10 booking fee with this registration will also contribute to the costs of the event.
Sequence of Events
Below is the planned sequence of events for 1 RAR 76:
Fri 8 Oct 21
1800 - 2100. Welcome drinks and confirmation of registration on the Splash Lawns at The Ville Resort-Casino from 1800 hosted by the 1RAR Association. This is a great venue on the lawns adjacent to the swimming pool. The Association will provide free Canapes for one hour. Drinks may be purchased from the bar. Numbers for this are limited to 150. Apart from purchasing your drinks, there is no cost for this function.
Sat 9 Oct 21
AM. Free time.
PM Opportunity to hold group functions organised by individual groups.
Sun 10 Oct 21
AM. Free time.
1800 to 2359. 1RAR Association Dinner in the Pavilion at The Ville Resort-Casino hosted by the 1RAR Association. This is the main social event for 1RAR veterans. The Pavilion is adjacent to the Splash Lawns. The meal will be a three-course alternate serve banquet style meal; drinks may be purchased from the bar. The cost is $80 each. Numbers are limited to 200.
The following events are hosted by 1RAR: (no cost)
Mon 11 Oct 21
1230 to 1330. BBQ Lunch with 1RAR Association at Patrick Bugden, VC Club (PBVCC)
1330. Arrival of VIPs
1400 to 1430. Rededication of 1RAR South Vietnam 1965-66 ‘First to Fight’ Memorial at BHQ
1430 to 1600. Equipment Display and Museum Visit
1600. PBVCC Parade (Museum remains open)
Tue 12 Oct 21
0930. The arrival of 1RAR Guests and VIPS
1000 to 1100. 1RAR 76th Birthday Parade
1130. Departure of VIPs
1200 to 1500. BBQ Lunch with 1RAR Association
1800 to 2300. 1RAR Battalion Ball (Invitation will be extended to a restricted number of 1RAR Association members).