Welcome to the 1RAR Association Website
For all info and events, see our 1RAR Association Facebook Page (also just below on this page for those who do not have Facebook).
We also have a Facebook group if you'd like to join, 1RAR (The Big Blue One).
For news of what the Battalion is up to, go to the 1RAR Official Facebook Page.
My name is Jim Masters, and I am the President of the Association. It is with great pleasure I welcome you to the 1RAR Association Website.
Our Mission is to maintain connections with all ex-1RAR members. We also welcome anyone who has experienced the same hardships on operations with us.
We get together all over Australia and meet as often or as little as we feel is needed for our mates. We have no rank! Just storytelling mates enjoying a few beers, or a brew.
Do you belong? Click Here.
Duty First,
Jim Masters, OAM
This reunion function is hosted by the 1 RAR Association and is for all ex 1 RAR and partners to come together and celebrate the award of the MUC to the 1 RAR OP SOLACE Battle Group. It is not limited to OP SOLACE veterans or 1 RAR Association members.
The 1RAR Association is proud to sponsor a function at RSL Townsville for 1 RAR OP SOLACE Battle Group veterans, partners and invited guests.
The MUC will be presented on parade at Coral Lines in the afternoon, and there will be a celebration at the Patrick Bugden VC Club with a BBQ dinner afterwards.